Memorial Junior High 

National Junior Honor Society

Information for current members: 

Please make sure you have notifications turned on for our Google Classroom.

Latest News: The Memorial Junior High Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society is no longer accepting nominations. We will next choose new members for the 2024-2025 year around February or March. See the example schedule below for an idea of how the selection procedure works. If you are coming from a different school or district and were selected for membership there, please come speak to Miss Martinez in room B 108 so that you can participate in our chapter. 

EXAMPLE Selection Timeline

March 1 - Nominations Open

March 4 - Teacher Nominations Due

March 11 - All Nominations Due, Grades pulled and averaged. Anyone with a 92+ will be notified ASAP

March 23 - Meeting with Nominees to explain selection procedure (All nominees will have been added to the Nominee Google Classroom by the beginning of this week.)

April 8 - Application due

April 21 and 22 - Interviews

Selection Procedures: 

The selection process usually begins in mid to late February or early March. Teachers, staff, and parents are asked to nominate students. Prospective members need to be seventh graders with a cumulative GPA of 92.0 or above in their CORE classes (math, science, social studies, and language arts.) Grades will be pulled once and these will be the grades considered for eligibility. The nominees should also exhibit strong qualities in the five primary principles of the NJHS: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, Citizenship and Character. Nominations are collected on the announced due date and no late nominations are accepted. Any student that meets the minimum 92.0 grade point average is notified of their nomination and a meeting is held where the application process is explained and the application is distributed. The deadline for application submission is announced at this meeting. Teacher evaluation forms are considered part of the application. A few days later, the students that turned in a complete application are notified of their interview time. Interviews with the selection committee are scheduled over two days. The selection committee, which is made up of three MJH teachers, votes on which members to admit to the honor society.